Dr. Erica D. McCray is a Professor of Special Education and Associate Dean for Personnel Affairs & Community Engagement at the University of Florida. Dr. McCray also serves as Executive Director of the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Center, a TA&D center funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. Before entering higher education, she was a special educator for students identified with behavioral and learning disabilities in Title I elementary and middle schools. Dr. McCray has been recognized on multiple levels for her teaching and research, which focus on the influence of diversity on educational practice and policy. More specifically, she focuses on the lived experiences of minoritized people to illuminate their excellence and support optimal outcomes. She provides leadership and service to the field as a member of the NCLD Professional Advisory Board, CAST UDL Equity Rising Advisory Board, and chair of the Council for Exceptional Children-Division for Research Awards Committee.