Insights for Navigating the Transition to Adulthood

Discover data-driven insights and actionable recommendations to support young adults with learning disabilities.

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Introduction to the Report

Introduction to the Report

Transitioning to adulthood is a pivotal time for all young adults, bringing opportunities and challenges. For those living with a learning disability (LD), these experiences are even more pronounced.

The State of Learning Disabilities snapshot report, conducted in collaboration with WestEd, explores the key factors influencing young adults with learning disabilities as they graduate from high school, enter postsecondary education, and begin their careers. Through this research, we provide actionable recommendations for educators, employers, and policymakers to better support their transition to adulthood.

Key Findings from the Report

Key Findings from the Report

  • Factors supporting High school graduation rates among young adults with LD
  • Factors supporting postsecondary education enrollment trends
  • Workforce entry and career challenges
  • Factors contributing to positive well-being in young adults with LD


Additional insights include:

  • Practical recommendations for improving high school to college transition programs
  • Data-driven insights on workforce challenges for young adults with learning disabilities
  • Strategies to support emotional and mental wellbeing during the transition
  • Policy recommendations to ensure better outcomes for young adults with LD

For those seeking a more in-depth review of the survey findings and insights into how young adults with learning disabilities are navigating education, employment, and independence, you can access the full technical report as well.

Ready to Dive In?

Download the report and take the first step toward understanding the needs and challenges of young adults with learning disabilities.
