Invest in Everyone: IDEA and the Importance of Full Funding

The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) is excited to cosponsor an upcoming virtual briefing titled “Invest in Everyone: IDEA and the Importance of Full Funding,” on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 1-2pm ET/10-11am PT. The briefing is sponsored by the IDEA Full Funding Coalition, National Center for Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children, AASA the School Superintendents Association, Coalition for Adequate Funding for Special Education, Los Angeles Unified School District, and San Diego Unified School District.

This event will bring together members of Congress, school districts, parents, and students to discuss the critical need for fully funding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Why Full Funding Matters

IDEA is a cornerstone of educational equity, ensuring that over 7 million students with disabilities receive the support and resources they need to thrive. However, IDEA has been underfunded, leading to significant gaps in services and support for students who need them most. In 1975, when Congress passed IDEA, the intent was to ensure that states would provide every student a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and states would not take on an outsized financial burden to provide FAPE. Congress pledged that the federal government would pay 40% of the excess cost to provide special education and related services. That 40% commitment is what is referred to as “full funding,” and that commitment has never been met.

Full funding of IDEA would mean more resources for special education teachers, better access to necessary technologies, and enhanced educational opportunities for millions of students.

Event Highlights

This virtual briefing will feature insightful discussions from policymakers and school districts who understand the profound impact of IDEA and the importance of full funding. Attendees will hear firsthand accounts from parents and students, highlighting the challenges and successes experienced within the current funding framework. 

How to Participate

The virtual briefing is open to all who are interested in advocating for educational equity and supporting students with disabilities. To register for the event, please visit the registration page. Join us on June 25 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET (10:00 AM to 11:00 AM PT) for this important conversation.

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s work to fully fund IDEA.