PAB Board Member

Tiffany Jameson

Tiffany Jameson

PAB Board Member

Dr. Jameson is an organizational psychologist using her multi-disciplinary education and experience as the Managing Partner for grit & flow™, a purpose-driven consultancy providing a gateway to inclusive workplaces and sustainable talent retention. Her work consists of conducting research and translating current research into practice to guide organizations to thrive. Dr. Jameson was voted a Top 50 Neurodiversity Global Evangelist and speaks internationally on Neurodiversity and Mental Health in the workplace. As a neurodivergent person herself who identifies as Bipolar 2, Apraxia, and learning differences in addition to being a mother and wife to neurodivergent, this topic is a passion for Dr. Jameson. She is also a LinkedIn Learning instructor with three courses on neurodiversity, ADHD, and Autism in the workplace.